Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Progress on skull- from Monday AND today

 This first picture is how I did on Monday. I just did another layer of paper mâché. Looking pretty good to me so far. 

These three pictures are of my progress today. I am adding onto the back of my skull to make it more realistic. I am also going to make the eyes more realistic, by shaping the sockets, and then cut the hole where the nose is, and hopefully make the teeth as well. I made the spine and the shoulders out of cardboard and masking tape. After I get the ribs and pelvis (maybe the legs too) I will paper mâché each section, connect them ll together, then paper mâché again. Then go on to do the painting and accessories onto my skeleton.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your project and how the skull is looking. It looks very realistic due to the head shape and the placement of the features. The spine is coming along as well. It looks great. I can't wait to see the finished product!
